Rise Marketing


Grow Your Brand and Drive Traffic With Pinterest

Pinterest has become a tool businesses can use to boost exposure, build brand awareness, and sell products and services.

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Aside from helping users find ideas like recipes, crafts, or weddings, Pinterest has become a tool businesses can use to boost exposure, build brand awareness, and sell products and services. Pinterest has more than 10 million unique visitors and is one of the fastest-growing websites ever.


It is best to target a specific niche on Pinterest to reach the right target audience. Popular niches are as follows:

  • Holidays
  • Art
  • Design
  • DIY
  • Education
  • Beauty
  • Food and Drink
  • Fashion


And much more. Does your business fall into any of these categories? Then you may want to consider creating a Pinterest marketing strategy and implementing these services. 


There are organic or paid strategies that you can execute, and both bring success to companies. The Pinterest consultants are helpful and willing to assist users in beginning their campaigns. Or your marketing team can create your profile, organically post, and include paid advertising to reach wider audiences. If you do not have a marketing team, consider hiring a marketing agency to assist you.

Pinterest Engagement

Increase Brand Awareness

Early studies show that Pinterest is the best platform to bring traffic to your website, even compared to Facebook according to HubSpot. Its inclusion of links to each Pin is a great tool for increasing brand awareness and driving traffic, which often leads to conversions.


In each “Standard Pin,” you can link to landing pages or blogs. That way when people find an interesting Pin from your page, they know where to look to read more or purchase. Not only that, Pinterest has partnered with numerous e-commerce sites so that people can directly buy from your page. Users are more likely to convert into sales faster compared to other platforms because of the resources they offer. It is known to convert browsers into buyers daily.


Overall, Pinterest increases blog traffic, sales – directly and indirectly from the platform – and new leads. If you believe your business is an industry that will be successful on the platform, it is wise to get started.


Quality Content

On this platform, the best content starts with quality visuals. The most successful Pins are full of vibrant colors, excellent photography, graphics, and more. Pinterest users trust that they will find credible information and suggestions in the community. It is wise to consider joining this community if you believe it will be beneficial to your company as well as your audience. 


There are many different types of Pins best for various purposes. The best Pins are visually compelling, tell a good story, and interest people to learn more. 


Pins you can create

Pinterest Pins

Pro Tip: The best Pinterest Pin size recommended by Pinterest is 1000 x 1500 pixels. You can also opt for 600 x 900, 1200 x 1800, and 2000 x 3000 pixels. These all fall into the ideal Pinterest image size of a 2:3 aspect ratio. 


Standard Pins

The Standard Pins are helpful when linking to your website, blog, or product. If you decide to use the Shopify feature and create a catalog (read below to learn more), then the Standard Pins are where you can direct people to that catalog to make purchases. These posts are also the only ones that include captions and the option for making it a Rich Pin.


Rich Pins

Recipe-rich Pins are utilized to add information like serving size, cook time, diet preference, and listing ingredients that you will use. Article rich Pins add the headline or title, the description, and the author of the article or blog post you are presenting from your website. Product rich Pins include the most up-to-date pricing information, availability, and product details right on your Pin.


Article rich Pins and Recipe rich Pins will automatically update to reflect any updates that you make on your website. They will only show information about your Product Rich Pins if they follow the merchant guidelines and the product is in stock.


Idea Pins

Idea Pins are similar to “Stories” on other platforms and typically include more than one image. They can also be used for posting videos, which tend to get more views. The best topics for these types of pins cover product reviews, tutorials, recipes, tips, ideas, and more. They are not for everyone but if it works with your industry, it is a tool you should try.


Video Pins

Videos have become very popular on most platforms. On Pinterest, they can be posted as Standard Pins or Idea Pins. Most traffic is seen from posting it as an Idea Pin, but you cannot tag products or make captions. Video posts are highly recommended but in what fashion is up to your company and its best interest.


Adding E-Commerce Products

Pinterest offers the opportunity to showcase products, tag them on Pins and run Shopping Ads. This can help e-commerce businesses to reach relevant audiences while they are looking for inspiration, and can lead to more sales. They have a cataloging tool that efficiently connects your products to send to Pinterest daily. The different e-commerce sites they support on the platform are as follows: 

  • Shopify
  • Woocommerce
  • Lengow
  • ChannelAdvisor
  • GoDataFeed
  • Feedonomics
  • Productsup


These data feed creators will take your products and create a feed for you while integrating it into Pinterest. They are direct integrations then you can add a catalog to your page with a data source URL (Product Feed XML). Businesses that are not set up with these websites already can do so on their own for tracking purposes, internally, or with a marketing agency.


Pro Tip: once you have uploaded your product catalog, you can choose to have Pins automatically created for every item. Product Pins will display real-time info from the catalog, like pricing details and availability.


User Engagement

User engagement is exceptionally high on Pinterest. If your company relies on website visits for sales and marketing, generating traffic there to increase your sales is essential. Pinterest is a great tool for increasing links back to your website and driving more traffic. 


The users add and share in small groups on Pinterest which can lead to your brand being introduced to different niches. The platform takes pride in focusing on what is trending right now; if your company is sharing, you will cause interest and discussion. 


Pinterest is a community of people who are looking for inspiration. People like to share things that are interesting, helpful, and visually appealing. Now that it is a powerhouse of online shopping, it is an opportunity your company does not want to miss. 

Pinterest User Engagement

E-commerce for Pinterest

Pinterest is a smart option for e-commerce companies looking to boost engagement, revenue, and brand awareness. The Product Pins help you get your products in front of audiences who are already interested and looking for new ideas to buy. There are more than 10 million unique visitors and it is one of the fastest-growing websites ever. Do not miss out on the growing market to visually showcase your products to potential buyers.

Ready to begin and want to learn more? Contact us today at Rise Marketing Group to plan your Pinterest marketing strategy.


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